Monday, May 31, 2010

Music Theory for Guitar Players - Learn the Notes of The Neck w/ Applied Concepts (Master the Fretboard) (Kindle Edition)

Music Theory for Guitar Players - Learn the Notes of The Neck w/ Applied Concepts (Master the Fretboard)
Music Theory for Guitar Players - Learn the Notes of The Neck w/ Applied Concepts (Master the Fretboard) (Kindle Edition)
By Joe Dochtermann

Buy new: $12.99
Customer Rating: 4.1

First tagged by Pam
Customer tags: guitar theory, kindle, guitar lessons

Review & Description

So, you've found our method and it's yet ANOTHER offers for guitar lessons. Now you ask, "Do tell, what makes "Master the Fretboard" different?"

Well, consider this:

Online guitar lessons are typically either the hard sell:

"You will be a Rock God in 24 Hours!"


"Learn all the Notes of the Neck Overnight!...
In Your Sleep!...
While Being Massaged by Swedish Royalty!"

Or they are those "Free Lessons!" loaded with ads, forcing you to sign up for a daily newsletter spamming, and of generally lousy lesson quality.

A couple of years ago, after checking out the offers and having had a close look at those "Overnight Rock God!" things (see our Q&A for a rant about that, and a peek at the contents) I decided to organize my lessons materials from live lessons into something different.

I spent some time going back to the well of electric guitar music - blues and jazz of the 30's and 40's - and trying to see where the big developments came from.

This led to the "Charlie Christian Method" which was a grass-roots success. Players dug the fresh perspective on the guitar, and were able to 'see' the fretboard in a new way.

So, moving ahead from the 30's and 40's, I applied the same concepts to players from the 1960's on up. Combining a comprehensive view of the notes on the guitar with technique tips, and applying these ideas to examples we all know and love led to the "Master the Fretboard" lessons.

Since then, I have continued adding chapters as 'updates' and sending them to previous customers. (Kindle customers PLEASE contact us at joe at joedocmusic *point* com so we can set you up with access! These include rockabilly licks, shred guitar lessons, blues ideas, and on and on. Now, with some of the basics being provided in our Q&A, guitarists can get started, and then step into the fast lane with the "MTF" method.

Keep in mind, the price is NOT inflated due to tons of advertising costs. If you've found us, give a try - you won't be disappointed. Read more

Find out More for the best price at Amazon

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